So True!  Got home last evening to NO water.  Nothing came out of the faucets.  Zero.  Did I remember to pay the bill?

There was a water main break.  I actually drove by it earlier in the day – but – paid no attention.  Just annoyed that the repair crews where holding up traffic.  Ha Ha Ha!

We each chose a toilet for our use.  NYC’s Mayor Bloomberg, during a water shortage went on the air and said: “If its yellow – let it mellow – if its brown – flush it down. ”  We had just the water in each tank to flush – so we were careful.

We cooked and ate dinner.  Used paper plates and plastic ware.  Then the water came back on as we finished eating.  I washed the pots and other preparation items. 

Then we got a telephone call from the County Health Department – a recorded message – Boil Water Alert.  For the next 72 hours we could shower with the water but could not use it for drinking, food preparation or WASHING dishes without first boiling it for 1 minute.  Rounded up all the washed pots and piled them up for further washing.

Set a pot on the stove and boiled some water.   

None of this is bad – but:  Have you ever showered and not had water enter your mouth?  What do you do with the used tooth-brush – waste your limited clean water to wash it?  Shaving is not tough, until you rinse off your face and keep your mouth closed.

48 hours to go.