Today was a CT day.  I do 3 sets of push-ups, DB squat curl push press and chin-ups.  Do these 3 sets very quickly in less than 20 minutes – so much more fun than doing HIIT.  Then I meet my wife to do some work with her.

There is a Seated Lat Pull Down with two hooks for the bar or for individual hand grips.  The hand grips are less stress on her shoulder.  She decided to reach up while standing, grab them and slide onto the seat, with her knees tucked under the lap bar.  She lost her balance and did a slow fall backwards onto the floor – still holding onto the hand grips.  There was the sound of an entire gym inhaling deeply at the same time.  Happily she was not hurt and managed to laugh about it.  Then there was the sound of the entire gym exhaling in relief – as one.

No, I did not help her get up.  I took the hand grips out of her hands and stood by while she figured out how to get up – and she did – on her own.

You remember that commercial:

That is not going to be my wife – not her – not today – not tomorrow.  She got onto the machine and continued on with the exercise.  She had a good workout and I ended up with one more PT session for my 52DC Personal Goal 2.